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Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Gravity of (blank) in Your Life

(Dr Rick inspired from 5/30/10 1Peter sermon)

Whatever is "large" in your life, it's gravity will control the path of your life.

When the world is large your life will revolve around the cares and concerns of the world.

If you are the one who is "large" (powerful, influential or celebrity) life will revolve around you.

If your kids are your whole world, life revolves around them.

If money is "large" activities will revolve around obtaining and enjoying money.

If life is about fun, you will pursue fun.

If love or affection is most important, you will pursue that.

Some spend life trying to avoid pain or unhappiness.

BUT, when you feel the immense love of God towards you, a love that sacrificed His Son to pay the debt of your rebellion, its gravity is SO great that your life can't possibly escape it.

Dr Rick said "Sin should hurt in such a way that it changes the way you live."

Do you care about how you live life? "How you live your days is how you live your life."

The sermon can be found at http://gbc-hutchinson.com under the downloads section.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Prodigal Pig

We’ve heard of the Prodigal Son.  Today I heard James Vernon McGhee tell the story of the “Prodigal Pig”  Some real gems in this one!


Click this link to listen: http://www.oneplace.com/player/thru-the-bible-with-j-vernon-mcgee/2-peter-221-22-101986.html

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Lords Prayer

The question of what prayers to pray often comes up. In the Lords prayer Jesus shows us how to pray. So should we repeat this and other prayers? Is there benefit in the repetition of prayers? The Monday May 10th post from John MacArthur answers that question:

Click HERE It's the May 10th post