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Monday, October 6, 2008

Latest Letter I need your feedback

Letters in Grace
October 6, 2008

I know I have been very quiet lately. It's been a long time since I have written a letter. Samuel asked me about it the other day. I have been very withdrawn lately in this sense. My life's focus has been on my own personal spiritual life before God. I have been figuring out my life. How to balance rest, health, work, family and fun. How much should be spent on self-pleasures and how much in self-sacrifice. I am growing and learning. I have also been in my systematic theology class. Now I am taking a Seminary level Theology 1 class. So I have been busy. Always remember though that head knowledge of God's Word without living it from the heart is useless.

Cole (my oldest son) is studying Colossians right now. So I thought I would study it too.

I will be very honest and up front about this. I don't want to “teach” you anything.

Let me just offer you God's Word and let you simply read it and study it and ask yourself, “What does this say?” and understand the impact of what you have read.

Colossians is just 4 short chapters. You can read it at one sitting.

Apostle Paul wrote this letter to the Church from prison.

Several important keys are found in Colossians. Look for the deity of Christ (1:15-20 and 2:2-10) reconciliation (1:20-23), redemption (1:13,14 and 2:13-14), election (3:12), forgiveness (3:13), nature of the Church (1:18,24-25, 2:19, 3:11,15)

Now please go read it and then come back to this discussion forum. I am asking you to just make some observations about the text. What do you see? What has caught your eye? Let's just read and discuss. If we stick to the text there is no reason anyone should feel like they can't be a part of the discussion.

I know no one cares what I think and they are tired of hearing from me.... So I offer up to you God's Word and this page to freely discuss as a family and friends.

Again I am not looking for questions about the text, but rather I am wanting you to post observations you make about the text. Any discussion not directly related to the text is not appropriate in this specific post.

Love you and I hope you enjoy what you read in Colossians!


Jason Younger said...

My first observation is the word "saints" in Chapter 1:2,4. Who are the saints? Special believers or are all believers saints?

Kathy K said...

Okay, after reading the passages and a short visit with Beth, I have decided I do prefer that you help us understand what it is saying....I need the remedial bible!!! I try to get an image of the time and the place and the message that was being relayed but I lack insight to see the full picture.

Jason Younger said...

OK, I will just post Chapter 1 and we will talk through it. I'm happy to see somebody read the blog!