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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Joy in Difficulty and Peace in Life

Last night my wife couldn't breathe and I had to take her to the ER. It made me think...what in the world would I do if something happened to her! Recently I had a Blue Cross Blue Shield Vacation (short hospital stay). My wife for the first time was faced with the thought of what would happen if something happened to me.

We of course come to the same conclusion. We simply trust God with all things.

If you know that God is over all, and knows you intimately and cares for His children, then what is there to worry about? He is good and carries us along according to His plan.

I have joy in difficulty because when I am faced with trouble, that is when God pulls me closer and seems to use those troubles to purify my heart. I want to have a pure heart, so I am happy to go through the trials.

While I go through trouble, He also fills me with a deep sense of calm and peace. I am never more peaceful than while going through trials.

When life is "normal" I carry on through life very focused on me and what makes me happy and what goals I would like to pursue.

But in trouble my mind is more focused on Christ and trusting more.

Over the last 15 years I have studied life and have found that we as people give God little thought. We may give Him lip service, but we don't pursue Him and spend little time trying to KNOW Him. We just float along through life like a dead fish floating down a stream.

Let me encourage you (and remind myself) to LIVE life....pursue the One who is good. Seek the LORD with all your heart. Pick up your Bible. Read it, know it and you will know HIM. TRUE peace comes when you realize life depends more on GOD than it does you.... Isn't that comforting to know?

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