Letters In Grace's Facebook Wall

Monday, May 5, 2008

His Promise IS ALL I need

Please pray for Jena and Jill (my twin sisters) they both have pregnancies that could be tricky.

Also, I have been feeling OK, not perfect, but OK.... I have been able to tell something is still not right.

Well today things are acting up again and I am having some pretty moderate pain again and I am pretty useless..... Just a lot of lying around. Activity seems to aggravate things. I'll more than likely go back to the doctor tomorrow.

I just want an empty stomach and broth....anything else makes me hurt.

I got back on the antibiotics today.

They prayer is not necessarily for comfort, (if I was comfortable I wouldn't go get this problem taken care of) Just pray for a conclusion to the problem. Also I know that God is 100% involved in the situation and He is using this to teach me. Pray that I would have the right frame of mind to be examining my heart and how God is using this event to grow me spiritually.

Remember there is NOTHING God is not actively involved in. When evil people come upon you to attack you, He has allowed it for His purposes. Nothing slips past the permissive will of God. When a sickness falls upon your body, it's because we live in a cursed world where bodies get sick and break down.....BUT He knew it was coming and it is part of His perfect will and plan. He will use it.

Remember our God is a God of LOVE. He does not ever want to see you hurt. He never wants to see you in pain. Mankind's troubles we bring upon ourselves most of the time. Other times its the general effects of a cursed earth from the original sin of Adam and Eve.

Did you know God does not take any pleasure in sending wicked people to hell? The only satisfaction is the satisfaction that his Holy and Perfect Justice demands. He calls you with open arms! He cries out "Come to me all of you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest!"

Where does life find you today? In your stubbornness and pride are you still puffing up your chest and turning a proud and stiff jaw away from Him like a stubborn child who refuses any other way but their own.

These are the foolish ones who will fall into the eternal pit of destruction.

Maybe you have been humbled and on your face have admitted, "Lord I have nothing else I can trust in! Only You could save a sinner like me! My sin has crushed me.... If You were to give me what I deserve today I would be in desperate trouble! I thank You Lord with all my soul that YOU have died my death! That YOU Lord Jesus who was completely innocent died this criminals death. Why would Such A HOLY God die for a wicked heart like mine? Ahhh Yes, because YOU LOVE ME! What else on earth do I need to do or hear? YOU my GOD, my FATHER, who knew me from eternity past....YOU who know me eons from now....YOU who know me and LOVE me this very minute! What else do I need?

I do not need religion, I do not need religious activities....I don't fake piety in front of others....I don't do things because anyone has compelled me to do so..... I don't give money because I think it earns me any favor.... LORD I NEED NOTHING EXCEPT TO KNOW YOU LOVE ME AND YOU HAVE DIED FOR MY SINS.......

Father.... Knowing YOU I know that it is unthinkable that any promise of Yours would fail.....

You have promised my sins in their entirety are paid for by Your death on the cross around 2,000 years ago.

You have promised You will be with me until the end of the age

You have promised I will be with You in heaven.

You have promised I can not slip from Your loving grip.

I live and die on THESE promises Lord. YOU LOVE ME and have DIED for me.... I will never taste death! That is all I need to KNOW. Now Lord help me base every one of my life's activities around these promises You have made to ALL WHO WILL BELIEVE YOUR PROMISES

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