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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Daily Prayer 10/31/07

1 John 2:29 If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone also who practices righteousness is born of Him.

Father, again this is a verse that should make us take a close look at our lives. If we are believers in Christ, we are followers of Christ. As the Lord said, "You will know them by their fruit." Our lives are the evidence that we belong to Him. If a person claims to belong to Christ, yet they live a life of sin, it is obvious the truth is not in them. But if the truth truly is in them and they are "born of Him" or "born again" (John 3) they are a new creation, no longer slaves of sin, but slaves of righteousness. The Bible is clear that a true believer has come to know You and has repented of the old ways and set their hearts on obeying the new life in Christ. We love and thus pursue holiness. We are not pleased with our sin. Help us to hate our sin more each day. May we despise our wicked ways. Help us to thirst for righteousness. By knowing You Father and our Savior Jesus Christ, we will love righteousness more and more and work and pray harder at not carrying out the sin in our minds and on our tongues....may it be stopped in the heart before we can think and act on it.

Pray again for Darlene's mom (Darlene is a co-worker) apparently she is not doing well....

For a dear brother in Christ at church who has a little girl who suddenly had become VERY sick. She is suddenly in danger of death. May her health return as quickly as it failed. Pray for kidneys to improve and platelet count to increase

For our dear friends working hard for Your glory Lord in Russia. Give them strength and help their equipment and backs to endure the heavy work load as they perform a BUNCH of dental work on pastors, their families and the children of the church there.

Father I also know that it may be a silly thing to ask, but I pray that through the Emma poem, some money would come that we could use in her name at Emma's Free Tuition School. This money is so desperately needed there as You know Lord. I have not been able to provide the help, so maybe You could provide it by her name for the school that bears her name as Your name is lifted up among the children there.

For Stanley in Ghana who is very hungry now and also for the Abandon Child Ministries, I pray that recent contacts would lead to permanent help for them.

Make us holy people who will live and die for You!

That reminds me Lord I saw online today video of a couple pastors in India who were beaten for Your Name sake. This terrible violence against these gentle men bothers me. I pray for Your protection over our dear Pastor (name removed for his privacy and safety) and his family and all his dear friends working so hard to reach a great population for the sake of their souls. They are motivated by love and often the love is only met with violence. Like the Hindu woman who burned down their church. May the work continue on the church soon...It needs walls. Lord You know the need their. I just ask for their protection. Compared to these great believers, I am nothing, but I thank You for such great examples for me to learn from and follow.

All for Christ's glory, Amen.

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