Letters In Grace's Facebook Wall

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Daily Prayer 12/26/07

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. We didn't leave the house so I thought it was great! I have been a little sick lately so I didn't mind the extra rest. It also starts to wrap up a very busy season for us at work. Honestly as far as most people celebrate it, Christmas doesn't really do much for me. From a theological standpoint it is GREAT. I just usually feel pretty alone in my thoughts at Christmas time. I was happy though when my little one's give me a 5 minute speech on all the things Christmas is NOT....haha...."It's not about snow, it's not about presents, it's not about trees, it's not about lights, it's not about Santa, it's not about stars, it's not about ornaments....." on and on and on...finally it would end "it's only about baby Jesus who was born to die for our sins on the cross." YES!

Anyway, I have been taking as much time away from my computer as possible for a while. I'll get going again and just know that I am always praying for you. I'll probably take it easy for a while and pick up again at the first of the year. The daily study is pretty draining. I would like to get some form of Daily Bible Reading incorporated in this next years post's. It may be as simple as posting the scripture to read for the day up to posting actual audio for each day. We'll see....

If I think of something I'll post, otherwise keep praying for Thaddeus and Jill's baby and Jill's health and also now for Jena and her baby!

Again merry Christmas....hope you got what you wanted!

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