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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Daily Prayer 12/4/07

First a note:
Can you imagine boarding a plane and being attacked by other passengers because you were a Christian? Arun faced this terrifying situation when he shared his faith with another passenger on a train in Haryana, India. Read more about the dedication of this faithful missionary even in times of great trial:

Now another note:

I have been teaching myself electronics lately. It has given me such a HUGE appreciation for the creation of the human body. In electronics you have input through a sensor that sends some kind of small electrical signal to an input. The input is read and a microprocessor decides what to do (output) based on the instructions given. For example I press the letter "K" on my keyboard. A small electric blip enters my computer and my computer must decide what size and color of "K" to place on my screen and how to do it and what's connected....Which pixels on my monitor will go dark while the rest of the pixels around it are lit with red, blue and green to form white background around my letter. Wow... that's quite a bit of processing for one simple letter. Even the most complex computers can not even compare to the human brain and nervous system though.

Think about it, you body is an electrical and chemical machine. The only thing that is used to charge it is food and water. Just the energy we produce is amazing. Next consider the super sensitive finger tip. It sends millions of electrical signals to the brain.... There are well over 10 Billion nerve cells in the brain. On average in the cortex of the brain a nerve cell, one nerve cell has 60,000 inputs!

For example a simple circuit you could build about the size of a note card. A battery, an LED light, a few components and a push button. The input is the ONE sensor and a computer board determines where to send the proper voltage for the commanded duration....the output is the ONE light flash. Now to have 60,000 inputs in our project, it would be bigger than a table, yet God has done it in ONE neuron. How many "wires" would have to connect all those neuron's to send messages back and forth....uncomprehendable! But it was easy for God. It wasn't a weekend project, He did it in one day. He didn't have a Radio Shack near by to get the parts, He created this body of minerals and chemicals from the earth. It's just dirt but in a miraculously delicate balance! Most important part, He breathed life into man. Anyone can destroy life, but only God can give life.

I listen to a class online from MIT about the human brain and neurological science. They were talking about the history of trying to find the human soul. No man can find or touch the soul....but if you have ever seen a loved one after the life has left them you know that the soul has left them. They seem to be just a shell after they pass. We surely know this is a fact. We must also think about what will happen when our spirit leaves our body and we find ourselves before the Lord. "It is appointed to man once to die and then the judgment". Don't worry about your body. It's just animated dirt. It will turn into dirt again one day. Instead worry about making sure you are prepared to meet the Lord.

The Elvis song "Return to sender, address unknown" is popping into my head...haha....well like a computer communicating with the server, what happens if an unknown device suddenly tries to become part of the network? It is rejected, not even recognized, it doesn't even have the capabilities to become part of the network if it wanted to. The server will reject it's attempts to connect.

Christ warned to those who were still broken and not in fellowship with the Father In Christ "I will say to him in that day, depart from me, I never knew You"

We are just junk, but the Creator has love for us and comes to us broken ones and will fix us who were headed to the trash incinerator. He must reprogram you and He must connect you to the "server".

That is a really bad computer illustration and I hope not too geeky to understand, but as usual I am just sharing the thoughts going through my mind.

Very busy this week so I will tackle the study of Apostle John next as soon as I can.

God Bless You and feed yourself even just a little scripture each day and pray as often as possible...by that I mean just talk to God. You don't need "formal" prayers....just talk to Him. What's on Your mind, what do you need help understanding, whatever it is..... He loves the believer and wants to hear from you and Christ wants a relationship with you. How does that happen? Well pray about it, talk to Him and then read your Bible and I'll let Him give you the answer.

Until tomorrow, good day and may our lives honor Christ.

Father, be with us and may we know You more through Your Word and the exact representation of You, Your Son Jesus Christ. For all our many needs we have been praying for, we bring these needs before You again tonight. We of course trust Your wisdom in how You answer our prayers. In Jesus Name we pray, amen.

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