Letters In Grace's Facebook Wall

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Daily Prayer 12/5/07

James 4:13-15 Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit. Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are {just} a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. Instead, {you ought} to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that."

Father, so often we make such great plans for our lives and our work and our families. We make big plans and set courses often with little thought to how You would have us go. Help us to carefully seek Your will for our lives as we pray and ask for wisdom when we make these plans. Help us to remember our future is not in our hands and plans, but Yours. Help us to be wise and certainly plan for the future, but seeking to do it according to Your will.

I pray we would know You and the exact representation of Your Nature in Your Son Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit teach us so we may know the Father.

For Thaddeus we offer still continual prayers for his heart's growth and the healing of his aorta.

For Jill's health and chemical balance

For Jena, myself, Beth, Tatum, Zekke and Titus and everyone else who has been sick lately....help us all to stay healthy and strong in these cold months.

Darlene from work has had her mother in the hospital for a month, she came home last night and then had congestive heart failure again. I pray for her mothers health and strength and also for Darlene's peace and stamina. Help her to deal with the stress of the situation. As she seeks peace and seeks You, help her to rest in the work of Christ and Your sovereignty.

For Samuel and the needs there in India Lord, You know them even better than we do.... I pray that his bank would be more friendly to our help and move the money quicker to his account without trouble.

An urgent need Father, I pray for the mother of our boy from Big Brothers / Big Sisters. Her name is Kari and she is close to being homeless again with no money for food and no money for Christmas and possibly no home to live in.
Father, You know the situation with her paycheck being delayed. I pray it will come in the mail tomorrow so they do not lose their home. You know Lord that I don't have money, but show me some way I can show love and care in the situation and I pray You would work on her heart and pull her out of an evil and satanic lifestyle and into a life eternally forgiven and forever changed by Your Holy Spirit. Save her Lord...protect her children.

For all believers I pray Lord for our growth and endurance and commitment to Christ.

For all unbelievers Lord I just pray that we would have the opportunity to love them and show them love. May we be an image of Christ's love for them.

1 comment:

Beringer said...

Hey Jason

Zekke is doing better and poor Titus is still hanging on to this.
I will be seeing some important docs in Jan so I hope they got some good ideas for these next few months. We had a sono done this week and everything looks good so far. The baby is way to small to tell anything other than the size. Take care and we will post soon.

love The Beringers

our due date is July 7 We will do a c-section 2 weeks early