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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Daily Prayer 1/1/08

In today's reading (Genesis 1-3) we see all the essential pieces of God's plan.

God created all things perfect and created man and woman and allowed them to be tempted and fall into sin. The earth was cursed and they were cast out. Pain and sorrow for women in childbirth and hard labor for men to provide food to eat. This curse would last until the day man returns to the earth he was taken form (death).

We also see mankind for the first time running from God and hiding from Him. We also see mans first effort to cover his shame and we also see the first death as God provides the death to cover their sin.....when they should have been the first to die for their disobedience, God covered spared them and covered their sin with a substitutionary death. Just as Christ would one day die a substitutionary death for us. God specifically makes this promise to satan in the garden...the great prophecy that all the rest of scripture revolves around.

Father, we thank You for this great window into the beginning. Of course You are in charge of all things, even when we sin. You have allowed Adam and Eve to sin in Your plan to bring glory to Yourself. The Holy Trinity is glorified through Your plan You have chosen to display the depths of Your mercy, grace, love and greatness.

To this very day Lord it continues as we too sin against You. As we saw in the perfect Heaven of creation in the beginning, soon one day we will again see Christ make all things new again as we see the permanent Heaven for the eternal perfection we will live in.

We MUST first understand all things are from You and for Your glory.....Yes, even is and even wicked, wicked world rulers are under Your hand as You work Your plan for Your glory.

Lord Jesus, to the One who took a hand full of clay and breathed into the nostrils and brought life to the first body of man to life, we also ask You will take Thaddeus' heart in Your hand and heal it. I have never put myself in such a position before others before. You know Lord my fears and my doubts. Give me more faith and boldness. I KNOW You can do this, I just wonder if You are willing? So I am asking, will You Lord? Will You heal Thad's heart for us?

Lord Jesus, so many things are ahead of us in 2008. Be with us Holy Spirit and guide us through Your Word and prayer. I especially want to ask this.....Help me to know when to speak up regarding error and help me to know when to keep my mouth shut. I just pray for wisdom and guidance. I pray that You will bring us together in submission to Your truth, not divide us because of our views of what we perceive to be truth. Help us to set aside pride and to humbly submit to You and the authority of Your Word. That's all I ask for.

May 2008 be the year of freedom and the year of the Lord as You grab our hearts in Your hand and heal us also as we are still struggling against You and we have not yet properly submitted to You as we should. Help me Lord and help us all! Pray for us Holy Spirit, Lord hear our prayers and Father please answer our prayers. Amen.

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