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Friday, January 4, 2008

ZAP! Yeeowwwch!

This time of year with the cold, dry air and the wonderful poly/cotton blend of work shirts and pants, I seem to get a LOT of shocks on door knobs, when I open the car door, touch the house key, go to wash my hands....zap...zap...several times a day.

"Static electricity" has always amazed me. If you apply too much voltage to a computer or electrical component, it's fried, yet our electrical brain is not even phased by the buildup of High Voltage. Amazing! What an amazing design...it only glorifies God in His Divine Design of all things.

When I say High Voltage, did you know a spark from your body to a door knob for example can be anywhere from a few thousand up to over 21,000 volts!

Studies conducted on various materials (at over 50% humidity levels) reveal the possible charges to our bodies....

* Nylon clothes: 21,000 volts (Yowch!)
* Wool clothes: 9,000 volts
* Cotton clothes: 7,000 volts

Amazing! Remember the built in surge protector God placed in you next time you get a zap! How that voltage doesn't affect the brain and heart functions, I just don't know....

(source: click HERE)

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