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Friday, January 11, 2008

Daily Prayer 1/11/08

Father, You are SO big our minds can not fully comprehend You. How can our finite minds understand our infinite Father. How can the infinite God of the universe fit in the body of a man? So many Christian paradox's Lord! The way up is down....to be greatest, we must submit to Christ and become least. To get to heaven we can do no good, but must trust that we have done nothing....we must trust in the work of Another for us.

Lord, thank You for our Mother. In many ways she reminds me of Christ....she is always there for us.... she always willingly helps us and always loves us. If we need any kind of help she will meet our needs. What can we do to repay her?

She has done so much more for us than we could ever repay......I am left silent, with nothing I can do to show my love and gratitude....so we are only left with love and thanksgiving. Help us to properly show our Mother that love and thanks giving.

Lord Jesus the only gift of any worth I can give is the greatest gift You have given me....the Gospel.....all riches and wisdom and salvation are in the words of the scriptures for us. Feed our souls and give our family members the eternal gift of salvation that is freely given through faith in Your blood that was shed for the forgiveness of our sins.

Happy Birthday Mom!!!!!! WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!

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