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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

An Army of ONE

I just finished my weekly meeting with Pastor Samuel in India. Tonight we discussed the urgent need to get Telugu language Bibles in the hands of people there. Every day they ask him and he has nothing to give them. I want to get MANY Bibles in the hands of people there. With the current exchange rate, a Bible is $3. If you have any ideas on how we can raise some money to purchase Bibles, please let me know.

We also discussed again (he asked again) me going to them by the end of 2008. He said they want to load me up and tour me all over the Southern states preaching the Word. You see they don't have the preachers there like we have here. They don't have much theological training. That's why it surprises me so much because I don't have any either, but it did remind me how thankful I should be for a church that feeds me and teaches me so much, so well.

I admitted to him that the thought really scared me. Preaching to over 300 pastors at once in one place they have planned and then all these churches. Let's be honest, there is true persecution over there and I don't know if an American can make that big of a splash without drawing some unwanted attention. My love for Samuel and the Christians there quickly rushed over my fear and I told him I would honestly pursue this goal.

In my mind I visualized what it would be like the day I leave to go there. I am sure my family would not want me to go and worry about me.... I am pretty sure my mom would worry about me. I also think she would be proud of me. That's when it hit me.... Wow what an opportunity! Think about it. We grow up with dreams of being able to impact the world. This is a true opportunity to truly impact the world with the greatest message and the greatest gift the world could ever receive or desire! God has given me great connections with a great man of God in India plus great connections with the opportunity to go to Africa with the Gospel message!

That thought suddenly flashed me back to a night here in Hutch at Holy Cross Catholic Church. I remember I was hit really hard in the heart by God's Word. I remember I got up and went to the restroom and prayed (don't ask me why...I just had to go talk to God about things) Walking in they foyer I prayed with the deepest prayer I could pray...."Lord I do not want to just live and die. How many lives were wasted and meant nothing! I want to live my life for You Lord! Don't let me come to heaven well rested without wear. Let my life be used up serving You. Lord Jesus take my life and let it stand for something! I have done nothing with it and will not do much with it.... I want You to have it! When I die, let them know that my life was not wasted, but was used to further the Kingdom of God." That's pretty close to exact word for word as I prayed it.

So it just hit me. The Lord is answering my prayers! Every time I get to read His Word and get to know Him better. Every time an uneducated man like me gets to use a God given spiritual gift to share His Word with others.... Anytime a person responds..... It's all His work, I know I can take none of the credit....but I am so humbled by it. I am on such a wonderful ride! I don't know where He will take me, or how He will use me. I am filled with fear as to where He might take me or what He might call me to do. I often try to derail the path He has me on with my sin. Yet, He is faithful. He has heard my first prayer to Him. He has said OK and called me His son and saved me from my sins by His grace. He is daily step by step using my life. How much or how little he uses me I don't care, just to know that the Lord loves me and that He would use me.... Is it possible? Can this man from such a small town impact the WORLD for the Lord? In His power and His strength according to His will....yes.

Guess what, He wants to do the same with You. Will you turn your life over to Him to use where He pleases, as He pleases..... Want Your life to count for something worthwhile? Join the Lord's Army. You may serve in ways that go totally unnoticed with no thanks. You may get pats on the back.... You may get the opportunity to talk to others around the world...then again they may be on your street. You may even be killed or beaten or imprisoned. Is that life served for our King's glory worth it? Join the Prince of Peace. He IS the Army of ONE. One Way, One Truth, One Life.... No one comes to the Father but by HIM (Jn 14:6) Wow... It almost makes me brave enough to donate blood......( I said ALMOST).

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