Letters In Grace's Facebook Wall

Friday, November 9, 2007

Remembering Emma

Here is a great note I would like to pass along from Adam and Mindy.

I wanted to have some words to share today but I find myself speechless. Mindy said it best "Our job now is to make sure we get to heaven." So true... I went back and read the Letters In Grace Issue I wrote shortly after Emma's funeral.

First a letter from Adam and Mindy then I will give you the link to that letter.

Where has this year gone? Today is one year since Emma went to be with Jesus. Its hard to believe it has been one year, it really snuck up on us. There are days where it feels like it has been forever but then it feels like we were just taking pictures of her and bringing her home like it was yesterday.

So much has happened in this past year that we are very thankful for. We know God sent Emma to us for many reasons and we will always be greatful for that. She is in such a better place right now even though its hard to deal with her not being here with us. Parents live their lives hoping and praying that their children grow up with God and get to Heaven. We remember a card we got from Adam's cousin after Emma passed away saying something like "First of all I want to congratulate you on getting Emma to Heaven." I don't have it here in front of me right now to quote everything it said, but it really meant alot to us during that time.

We wanted to share a poem that Adam's brother Jason (he is the one who always did daily prayers for Emma) wrote a little while after Emma passed away.

Baby Emma
by: Jason Steven Younger

Sweet little Emma sent from above
Opened our heart and showed us God's love
Christ our Savior who died for our sins
That is where the story begins

God used Emma like a light in the dark
To call us to be of true faith and pure heart
Now having found us He brought her back home
Now our Lord sits in our hearts on His throne

Like lost little sheep who once went astray
Faith in Christ saved us I'm happy to say
The rest of my life I'll have Christ on that throne
Until I join Emma in God's heavenly home.

We know Emma is safe with Jesus looking down on all of us. We don't have to worry about her health or her heart because she is perfect in every way.

This will be our last message on Emma's carepage. We are having a book made of all our updates and all of your kind messages. Thank you to all who have kept up with Emma's life.

We miss her everyday but we know we will be with her once again. God bless to all and don't forget about the important things in life.

We love you baby girl!!!!!

Adam and Mindy

Thank you Mindy for sharing your thoughts with us today....

I remember at Emma’s funeral I didn’t say much. I didn’t think I should. I remember three thoughts going through my head. First and foremost I just wanted to be there for my brother and Mindy. I just wanted to help them or serve them in any way I could. Secondly, I buried my sadness deep within myself and put on that Jason smile and prepared myself to show people the joy and hope that is in Christ. Thirdly, I only wanted to be God’s servant. I was praying with a deep desire that God would just give me conversations with people. As a family we have really grown closer over this past year and I think you understand me better (at least where I am coming from) and I have learned to be more sensitive to feelings and learning to speak with a little more tact. Think of the spiritual things you have worked over in your mind over this past year. Would you have even considered those things if it was not for Emma? Mindy said something that was so great to hear. She said, “The most important thing in life for us now is to get to heaven.” (That may be a bit of a paraphrase.) YES! Oh, thank You Lord YES! Here is where Emma’s work truly begins!

Before Emma would we have prayed like we do now? Before Emma did we seek to be in heaven like we do now? This little girl has had a direct impact on not only our lives but our eternities! As long as our love for her endures, our desire to be with her will endure. As long as we desire to be with her, we will be seeking Christ because He Himself said He is “The Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father but through Me.” (John 14:6)

I am not going to get too deep on you here. I just don’t have it in me. BUT remember this one point:

If you can understand how a baby gets to heaven, the whole point of the Gospel is opened to you!

I don’t mean an understanding that starts with “I think God…….” But one that starts with “The Bible says….” If you can understand the TRUTH of how a baby goes directly to heaven, and not work on assumptions and feelings and hopes of what God is like, you will do fine.

Think of an aborted baby. It was not baptized, it had “original sin” and was killed and cut out. That baby I can say with full assurance of not only my life, but I would stake my eternity on it…..IS for SURE in heaven! Now if one can be so SURE of that baby being in heaven, wouldn’t you like to LIVE with that same ASSURANCE that you will be in heaven, guaranteed when you die? That assurance is there for you in God’s Word! If that is the point of our lives, will we read our Bibles like our arrival in heaven depends on it? The world is filled with SO much confusion on the subject, but you can TRUST God in His revealed Word. Something You don’t understand? Pray about it….read it and read it and pray! The third person of the Trinity will teach you. The Holy Spirit is here for that reason.

Here is the link to the letter I wrote after Emma’s funeral with much more explanation if you want to learn more. Just know that she is in Heaven right this minute and she knows the truth of all these things we are working to figure out. Do you think she loves you and want’s you to know them too? Of course. God the Father loves You too! He wants you to know and love Him and draw near to Him through His word.

God Bless you and thank you for putting up with me! I have been totally overwhelmed with the response from my family!

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